16 May, 2011

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - This Last Week or So

This is going to be another long one. A lot of things have happened in the past week or so. I'd like to end on a positive note, so I'll start with the ugly.

08 May, 2011

Chopstick Theory - Self Improvement During Dinner

You have a lot of time to think when you travel like this. Naturally, you will inevitably allow yourself to think about things that you never would have before. This has many benefits, the least of all of them being that I've come up with about 8 viable (to differing degrees) business ideas. With the exception of one, none would make me wealthy. That's not really the point is it. The majority of them would require little work after startup and allow me to be mobile. The fact that they'd provide a tiny income is not important. But all this is a topic of another post. The other benefits are small self and world revelations. I spent 30 minutes on a train of thought about chopsticks while I was eating the other day, but it was fun. Without hustle and bustle of daily routines and deadlines for this and that, you have all the time to think about things as silly as chopsticks. There's just some simple joy in that I think we all need.

06 May, 2011

Prostitutes, Trannies, and Bears Oh My

OK, no bears. Just lots of the other stuff. And they harass you a lot. I have been taking it pretty easy around here, just going on walks around the town. Oh, and seeing movies just to get out of the heat - it is hot and humid here. My clothes are constantly covered in sweat, but then so are all the other travelers. Other than that, one thing I have been needing is a massage. In fact, I probably need a few of them and an alignment (not doing that here) because I have knots in my back literally the size of fifty cent pieces and am super tight in the neck. So, I was looking around for a massage place and found one of those "seedy" ones and had the strangest massage ever.

01 May, 2011

Good Morning Vietnam

I am in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh to be exact. Since my last update, I stayed a few days in Cairns with not much to report. I didn't dive, I just kinda hung out and got a few things out of the way before flying to Darwin and then to Vietnam. Darwin was kinda cool. I met some cool people that I hung out with while I was there. The first night I there there was a festival going on. Every Thursday night during the dry season they have a big party in a close by park. Go for sunset (the dust in the air during the dry season makes them awesome), stay for food, music, and fireworks (things that explode into flames are perfect ways to celebrate the DRY season). Lastly, I got everything I needed straightened out and even looked for books on chi/psi/qigong, but didn't find anything worthwhile.
Then, I jumped a flight and got in late last night. I shared a taxi with some old dude who got kinda clingy and wanted to hang out with me. Thankfully, it took a good long while to find a place to stay because it is apparently a national holiday weekend celebrating the end of the American War (kinda awkward). I did find a place, thanks to the help of a hotel owner who was full (I'm using their computers to type this too). I walked around a bit and grabbed some pho. Lots of prostitutes...