06 November, 2009

How to Measure Yourself

How about this for a starting sentence that grabs you and draws you in:
Sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been really busy. I am at home for about 1-2 hours a weeknight. Usually gym, soccer (on an indoor team now; and we're good!), dodgeball, other shit. Anyway, I don't want to focus on that.

The Best Book Ever Written, Evar

Well the infinite monkeys, with infinite time finally did it. The best book ever written is called "Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health (Vintage)". I'm not joking. When conventional wisdom in nutrition finally gets overturned, like the geocentric model or the world is flat model, this book will be considered one of the most distinguished works. It will probably be required reading for anyone that wants anything to do with diet. I highly recommend everyone read it, regardless of their interest in their health.

24 September, 2009

froggy language

so, i started French today. i fronted the money for one of those Rosetta Stone programs. so far the program has annoyed me (surprise). there were a couple of things - first, it has this key code and i had trouble finding it cause i left it with the box. second, it is a little glitchy with the pronunciation stuff. for example, i was fucking up saying "egg" and so i clicked to hear it, it sounded to me like what i was say, so i said "what the fuck" and it green lighted me on the "fuck" portion - they are not similar sounding. third, it has some parts that are made for ratards.

31 August, 2009

whale's vagina kicked ass

i just got back from another amazing San Diego trip. for those who don't know, the origin San Diego's name has been lost, but in German it stands for "whale's vagina". if you think that it's Spanish and means "Saint Diego," lets just agree to disagree.

16 August, 2009

here are the countries and times

there are 2 purposes to the this post:
the first purpose of this post is to get recommendations and tips for the countries that i am going to try to hit up. if you've been to one of these countries, or know some cool stuff to do in them, please post a comment and let me know. also, let me know things to watch out for in these countries, and give general travel tips if you've ever done any big trips similar to this.

my first blog, an introduction


i don't know that i'll be getting any traffic outside my circle of friends, but since this blog is open to anyone, i'll begin by introducing myself. my name is Dylan, i'm 27, i live in Seattle. i currently work in reinsurance, which is what you buy if you are an insurance company to protect your portfolio of insured risks (insured risks being the stuff that you and i buy insurance for from the insurance companies - homes, boats, etc.). for this company, i run a few different models that use probabilities combined with experience data to pop out numbers that tell an insurance company what it's likely losses could be in a given year. think of me akin to Ben Stiller in "Along Came Polly," only think of me a few levels up the big picture wrung for any given insurance company. my outlook at the moment on work is to work to live. meaning i'd be doing me up some amazing things if that silly old thing called money didn't hold me back. that's not an excuse, i'm just saying if i won the lottery, i'd never work again - i'd be a philanthropist as much as possible, but mostly i'd be a jet setter.