13 December, 2010

Reflections on Colombia

This is going to be short since the internet here sucks.
Colombia was not as scary as people think it is. In fact, I found it to be almost opposite of what it is made out to be. The thing is, the people saying it's dangerous or this or that happens, are people that habe never been. The people that I've talked to that have been, will pretty much agree with me. Sure some people got mugged at knife or gun point, but they were doing exactly the thing that would get them mugged anywhere in the world. That is, wandering in dark places alone late at night in the big cities in not good neighborhoods, some drunk. And, yes, bribes do eventually occur, but mostly if you have your own car and driving around the highways. But, the only time when I actually felt scarred was on the road cause of how crazy they drive.
Coke is everywhere. No, I didn't do any and I only saw it once. I wasn't seeking to do some, especially after what I learned that they have to do to turn it into cocaine. However, I was around people who had it in their possesion. And, after talking to ex-pats, sometimes they get paid with coke or were telling me just how prevelent it is.

The government and society has an odd relationship with it. Even though it is illegal and the government is making a strong effort to clean up some of the areas, the country still needs it. It is vastly the largest source of income for the country, which makes it's way into society via money laundering. If the government were to rid Colombia of it totally, the economy would likely crash.
While they'd like to be seen as a safe and as drug free as any 1st world country, it's apperent that even the everyday citizen knows that the country needs it for now. They don't like to admit it because of the association with violent crime, corruption, and constant concern of random bombings. It is a hurtful (recent) past. In my time there, while talking with Colombians and fellow travellers, I could definitely feel the constanct tug of war that cocaine has with the country and it's people that is just below the surface. For the most part Colombians will be helpful and friendly. While most people will say that it is to disassociate those that travel there as a dangerous country, I feel that this is perhaps a defesnse mechinism as well to avoid showing foreingers that the past isn't totally gone for them. It's unforetunate, but it will take a long time for
Colombia to make amends with itself. It's an amazing country in natural beauty and people. Definitely worth going and going again.
That's all I can think of for now. I might add more later.


  1. You should have done some coke. You could have seen the entire country in 32 minutes.

  2. Why don't I just drink 5 cups of coffee?
