i just got back from another amazing San Diego trip. for those who don't know, the origin San Diego's name has been lost, but in German it stands for "whale's vagina". if you think that it's Spanish and means "Saint Diego," lets just agree to disagree.
anywho, the trip was a blast. i stayed with my brothers and there roommates Chris and Nick. they moved from last year which was good and bad - last year Ed and Chris lived in an apartment in PB, it was kinda a piece. but the nice thing was that it was a block and a half from the beach (an easy walk with a surfboard) and close to the bars and good food joints. now they live in a pretty sweet house a block up from the bay (forget the area's name) and now Dan lives with them (though not for too much longer - he's getting old and wants to settle down) and they have a cool dog. while the "loophole" makes up for some of the fun lost from being right next to the ocean, it doesn't make up for it completely and i did miss getting to surf a ton.
a lot of people that had heard i was going, asked, "what do you have planned?" they found it hard to swallow my answer of, "absolutely nothing." well, that's what i pretty much did and it was everything, and more, than i could have dreamed it could be. ok, ok, so i didn't lie around the house (most of the time). i attended a birthday party of one of Ed's friends, met people, biked around the city, Sunday-Funday (including a trip on the loophole where i lost my sunglasses), went surfing, ate awesome food, did a "few" bar crawls, went to a sponsored party where there were plenty of DBs, went swimming, boogie-boarding, sun tanned, sprinted down the beach drunk to watch fireworks, lots of biking since no one drives (which is awesome), met some awesome girls, had the bike i was borrowing stolen, then had to borrow a bike that i was pretty sure was going to break at any moment, went out on a boose cruise, danced up two storms (one on the cruise and one with this awesome bluesgrass band), went to Street Scene (tried to bride the security guards to let me on stage for Girl Talk, lost 20 bucks, was given 10 bucks worth of drink coupons), and did a ton of rubbernecking to ogle some ladies. so it's not like i did nothing, but none of that was planned except to go to Street Scene. in fact, i would have been ok if i just laid on the beach every day, read, slept-in, surfed/swam, and went out for drinks. the point was to just chill out and not feel bad if i wasn't "making the most" of the day. but either way, it ended up being a great trip. so much so that i didn't want to leave. though, i was reprimanded by my liver for the drinking and my body for not eating paleo at all.
i'm not sure when i'll be heading back, but it shall be soon.
stay classy San Diego
oh, by the way, found the 20 bucks plus 5 in the pockets of jeans that i was NOT wearing that night.