Well the infinite monkeys, with infinite time finally did it. The best book ever written is called "Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health (Vintage)
It is a little technical and is a little hard to read at first because the author (Gary Taubes) tends to jump around a little with talking about different peoples names and studies. However, it does get easier. This book is so well researched that there is over 100 pages of citations. One of the things that I really liked about the book is that he isn't trying to sell you on a particular diet or theory (because he feels there still needs to be real experiment done to confirm the ones that seem most true), he is just pointing out that all the "knowledge" we have now is shit. In fact, he didn't start by assuming that conventional wisdom is wrong, he just wanted to see where the evidence lead him. He goes through the reasons why conventional wisdom hasn't been overturned yet. Sadly, it isn't because there hasn't been an avalanche of evidence to do so, it's been politics (government and within the "scientific" community) that have kept it standing.
Don't understand what I'm getting at. Read the book. It could change your world, for real. Cancer, diabetes, obesity, fat regulation, working out; anything that has to do with human health will become much clearer. Go read it now!!!
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