i don't know that i'll be getting any traffic outside my circle of friends, but since this blog is open to anyone, i'll begin by introducing myself. my name is Dylan, i'm 27, i live in Seattle. i currently work in reinsurance, which is what you buy if you are an insurance company to protect your portfolio of insured risks (insured risks being the stuff that you and i buy insurance for from the insurance companies - homes, boats, etc.). for this company, i run a few different models that use probabilities combined with experience data to pop out numbers that tell an insurance company what it's likely losses could be in a given year. think of me akin to Ben Stiller in "Along Came Polly," only think of me a few levels up the big picture wrung for any given insurance company. my outlook at the moment on work is to work to live. meaning i'd be doing me up some amazing things if that silly old thing called money didn't hold me back. that's not an excuse, i'm just saying if i won the lottery, i'd never work again - i'd be a philanthropist as much as possible, but mostly i'd be a jet setter.
so Seattle, right? i must love it here - it's beautiful (it is), it's close to the mountains (sorta), it's close to the ocean (sorta), it's got a lot of stuff to do (sorta), it's got some forward thinking (sorta), etc. a lot of people say those things about Seattle and don't get me wrong, i like Seattle. i used to not like it here, but i think that stemmed mostly from teenage angst. now i do. yet, something is missing here; i just am uncertain that it's my home. that's an unfortunate because most of my family lives here - my sisters, both sets of parents and one set of grandparents (an hour or so north). Seattle does offer all those things above, which is great because i love the outdoors and most the activities i enjoy revolve around being outdoors, but i feel like it isn't the only place that's like that on earth and people need to not get so over inflated about Seattle. my point is this, i haven't yet found my home. what now?
well, that's good news if viewed in the correct perspective. it means that i am not glued down. i don't own a house - don't even want to right now in this economy. i do own a car that will be paid off in 13 months. i own some furniture and some knicks and some knacks. i have a job - it's not exactly glamorous, but i enjoy it and my coworkers (including my boss who is awesome) - however, it is a job, not a career. i realized recently that i cannot do something for work that i am not passionate about. so all this started swirling around with the fact that i never got to go on one of those post college backpacking through Europe type things.
thus, i have committed myself to taking a year from work to travel. it will be October 2010 to October 2011, around the world, and will include 5 continents. i will be skipping Africa because time won't permit (same with China and some other places). i'll do them at different times in smaller trips later in life. i have the general time frames and places picked out, which will be my next post. amongst my travelling, i will include some couch surfing (http://www.couchsurfing.org/) and some WWOOFing (http://www.wwoof.org/).
for those wondering, or worried that i have my life planned out only 2 years in advance, that is not the case. do i have it planned out perfectly? no. however, i will be going back to school once i get back. i want to change the world, that's what the additional schooling is for. what better way to get acquainted with this "world" that i want to change than to actually go see it in person? what do i want to back for and what i hope to do are best left for future posts of their own.
so that is me and what is going on in my world. and that, is what this blog is truly about - what is going on in my world. i will post more than just about this trip. i will post about stuff that is going on with me and my perspective on it. it will be as unprocessed as possible. meaning, it will include profanity, it will be somewhat spelled checked and somewhat edited (my grammar will always suck so i'd thank you for shutting the fuck up about it), and it will be written in prose that resembles how i talk/think (shut the fuck up about that too). anyway, this is the place to follow along or check for insight into my life if you feel so inclined.
enjoy Dylan,
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