26 November, 2010

Part 2, The Road to Medellin

First off, happy belated Thanksgiving. I spent last night dancing, yes dancing, the night away. Casa Kiwi is owned by a dude from Seattle, and he threw a little shindig for the holiday. There was a great band and there are some Colombians in the hostel who made me dance with them. And get this, they said that I am a good dancer, "better than many Colombians". Ha! The band wrapped up around midnight, but I decided to go to a club with some dudes from Chicago I met on a the Pablo Escabar tour earlier in the day. The club played mostly American songs from the 90´s.
Anyway, in the spirit of the holiday: I am thankful for all the great friends and family and all the support they are giving me. For 2010 being one of the best years of my life. For falling in love. For meeting new and interesting people. For being strong enough to pull the trigger on this trip. And for being on this trip.

24 November, 2010

Half an Update Post. The Road to Manizales

Sorry I haven´t written more, but the I´ve either been busy or the internet has been spotty and I´ve been unable to post. That being the case, this is going to be a long one.

16 November, 2010

Taganga and Tyrona

Today, I came back from Tyrona. Tyrona is an amazingly beautiful place. It looks like the opening scene from Jarassic Park, and in fact might be. I came from Taganga the day before by boat, which I recommend because its faster and takes you directly to the best spot in the park. I foolhardy walked the path to Arrefices. This path consists of 30% mud, and when I say mud I mean above your ankles and an odor reminiscent of shit. I wanted to see as much as I could but once I got to the end I really didn't want to walk back. So, I stayed at a place that was recommended by someone I met as well as the guide book.

11 November, 2010

Ooga Booga I'm in Colombia

I feel like I've been here a lot longer than I have. Tomorrow will be five full days, but it has felt longer than a week and every time I look at what day it is I think my watch is broken. Like in Central America, time here moves slower. Things get done when they get done (for example, my payment for dinner has been sitting on the tabpe for 10 minutes. I haven't received the bill yet either) and you'll get heckled if you are caught rushing around. Add that to the fact that I don't have any "solid" plans and no wonder it feels like forever; I'm moving at their pace.

08 November, 2010

Reflections from Central America

I`ll likely try to do some sort of relfection after I`ve been somewhere - something other than just a recap of what is going on and more geared to what I felt, how I am feeling now, and any insights I can come up with.
Central America was such a blur, each week in a different country, that I don`t think reflecting country by country was possible or fair to the country. So, this is kinda just a general cover of the last three weeks.

06 November, 2010

Brothers Home, Cartagena Here

 I know it`s been a little while since my last post. Quite frankly, I really haven`t felt like posting. That is mainly due to the fact that I`ve been more interested in meeting people and spending time with Dan and Ed.
Here`s a brief recap of what has gone down in the last week:

01 November, 2010

We've Landed, Bocas del Toro

Hey yall,
We are in Bocas del Toro now. We left Boquete this morning at 8, caught a school bus to David (1hour), another small bus (with a dog in a bag on top of the bus) going through Amiente (4 hours, with bathroom/snack stop), taxi, water taxi, and bam! We're here. I'll get to Boca after Boquete.