27 May, 2010

Yellow Fever and Other Trip Updates

I received my Yellow Fever vaccination yesterday. Why didn't I get it with my other ones? It's a live vaccination, which means there is a chance I could catch yellow fever (yes, I understand the comical implications of what I just said), and it is required that you mustn't get another vaccination of any sort within 4 weeks prior and probably afterward. So this means that I just have 1 hepatitis shot left, which I'll get in a few months. Then, I'm all cleared. However, I will need to go back to my doctor to have him fill out a "Yellow Book." What this is is "proof", that I got vaccinated for my trip, and will be scrutinized by customs agents in most countries. I have to return to the doctor because I didn't learn about the Yellow Book until the yellow fever vaccination, and he didn't fill one out for any of the vaccinations I got. Plus, it'd probably be a good idea to get my blood type since I don't know it (crazy right?).